Eyelashes are the hairs developing on your eyelids’ edge and these serve as the protector of the eyes from any external debris. The lashes give you a warning signal each time a foreign object touches or gets near your eyes. Your reflex actions will then be activated, causing you to close your eyes right away.
A lot of people are suffering from the problem of eyelash loss. There are actually several reasons why lashes start to fall out. In the case of women, the use of low quality eyelash curler and mascara can take its toll on your lashes. Basically, losing some eyelashes every now and then is pretty normal. Similar with the scalp hairs, the lash hairs also go through a cycle of re-growth. However, there are individuals who are facing issues of losing these hairs in a large number, making them anxious to know if eyelashes grow back after such kind of loss.
Will your lashes grow back? How long will you need to wait before they do so?
These questions are bothering a lot of people, especially when they notice that they are losing some of their lashes. Growing back your lashes is actually very possible. You might need to wait for some time yet they will ultimately grow back on their own. So, for the women who are still wondering if lashes grow back, this is the best time for you to learn some essential tips that will help you regain your precious lashes sooner than later.
At present, the market is already brimming with special mascaras promising to help the lashes in growing back quickly. In addition, there are also gels which can boost the eyelash growth and these products contain vitamin E and D-panthenol which can both help in ensuring that the eyelashes will remain healthy and strong. These can also lessen the rate of the falling off of the lashes. People who want to know if eyelashes grow back must take some time to try these products.
It is high recommended that you remove your eye makeup right away once you arrived home as this can help your lashes to breathe properly. For this aspect, you can make use of a natural remover of eye makeup. Using such makeup products on your eyes can cause drying of the lashes, making them grow brittle in the long run. In fact, this habit might also lessen the chances for the lashes to grow back.
Drinking lots of water will help your body to stay moisturized and refreshed. The same thing is also needed by your lashes or else, they will become fragile and dry. It is reason why a person must maintain the correct amount of water intake every day.
It is also suggested that you lessen the use of eyelash curlers as they usually pull and tug at the eyelashes, which then causes them to fall off in the long run.
Another way to lessen the chances of losing eyelashes is by limiting the use of eye products. Each cosmetic product for the eyes can clog the lash pores, which can make them fragile and weak. If you think that eyelash loss will be a big problem for you, you might want to restrict the use of eye makeup for a few days at least in order to give them a chance to go back to their normal conditions.
Eyelashes grow back but you need to follow the tips mentioned above in order to ensure that this will happen.